Category: Economy

Resto-Geneva 0

Tourists get value for money

ABS-CBN titles in today’s business section: Tourists get value for money in the Philippines. According to an online survey by Huffington Post Travel 2014, the Philippines is a top pick for “bargain hunters, outdoorsy types...

5J Butuan 1

Airbus in the mud

Saturday morning an Airbus A319 of Cebu Pacific Air got stuck in mud at the edge of the runaway at the Butuan Bancasi Airport (BXU/RPME). Flight 5J-220 failed to take off because its front...

2014 CAAP/FAA Report 0


CAAP, the Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines, failed again to bring the country’s aviation out of FAA Category 2. Last week, we had the feeling that something went wrong again. Now we have...

Pook Ecological Tourism Development Project 0

White Elephants and Black Holes

Last Thursday we wrote about the crippled airport project in Laguindingan. Today our friends in Panay found another outstanding project near Kalibo, the  “Pook Ecological Tourism Development Project“. Hundred thousands of tourists land every year...

Nespresso 0

Do you print spaghetti?

Barilla, world’s biggest pasta maker, successfully copies Nestlé’s NESPRESSO strategy. Everybody can brew a coffee and everybody can make pasta – at least boil the hardened ones out of the bag or pack.  In 1976,...

It is possible: Solar Power in the Philippines 0

It is possible: Solar Power in the Philippines

Asia’s largest solar power plant outside China moved closer to reality last Monday. Signing of a Public Private Partnership Agreement by the Islamic City of Marawi with a US-based integrator at the Marawi City...

Beast-1 0

The Beasts – in the Philippines

Quality electronics are awfully expensive in the Philippines. You can buy cheap gadgets anywhere but if you want something really sophisticated, then your wallet is crying bitter tears. If it comes to computers, I...

Camiguin Map 0

Camiguin moves ahead

It’s been 10 days of fiesta in Mambajao, the capital of Camiguin Island and Province. There had been a lot of amusement, a lot of sports, a lot of beautiful girls and a lot...

Luzon Dam Status 2013-09-04 at 06:00 a.m. 0

Luzon Dams again under control

Of the 9 dams in Luzon, 8 have closed their gates. Their water levels are between 10 centimeters overflow (Magat dam) and 18.9 meters below overflow (Pantabagan dam). We therefore did remove our flood...

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