News from the Philippines Blog

White Island Sunset 2014-05-04 0

White Island Sunset

How will be today’s sunset? Yesterday we had a wonderful White Island Sunset. White Island is an uninhabited white sandbar located about 1.4 kilometres (0.87 miles) off the northern shore of Agoho/Yumbing in the volcanic island of Camiguin in the Philippines. The island is...

M/V Catherine 0

M/V Catherine – update

Yesterday we informed you that a week ago, a yacht, the M/V Catherine, had been found its crew missing. One of our contacts in Palawan sent us an update at 07:30 a.m. PST. Some corrections:...

M/V Catherine 3

M/V Catherine

A week ago, a yacht, the M/V Catherine had been found its crew missing. One of our sources in Palawan sent us the letter below. We publish it without any comment. Only the last sentence...

Think wise - Think solar 0

Raising Heath and no Power

Heath in the Philippines is raising and Mindanao lacks of electrical power for fans and air-conditioning.  The electrical grid of Mindanao is lacking more and more power. Yesterday morning, the National Grid Corporation of the Philippines...

Become Zen 2

Are you a ZenFriend?

ZenFriend is a beautiful Meditation Timer. If you are looking to improve your meditation practice,  it helps you stay on track.  See when your friends meditate and inspire other people with your practice. A friend of my old...

Mosquito Week 0

Beware of mosquitoes

Beware of mosquitoes, they are the worst killers on earth.  Every year mosquitoes kill 725,000 people. It is not the mosquitoes who kill but the bacteria and viruses they transmit with their saliva when...

Votation fédérale du 18 mai 2014 0

Yes I can !

Yes I can vote. This is the first time in 7 years that I could vote from here in the Philippines. I got back all my citizen’s rights. Here is the proof: For your...

President Aquino and President Obama 0

Manila Airport closed

Manila Airport had been closed at noon time today. Why? US President Barak Obama arrived.  Photo courtesy of Malacañang Palace Again, this shows the status of security in NAIA (Ninoy Aquino International Airport) in Manila....

Weather Philippines on 2014-04-24 0

Sunny Philippines

Sunny Philippines – the sun is shining everywhere. The Low Pressure Area LPA 89W reported earlier this week did evaporate. The sun shines even under water. Currently the waters around Camiguin island are extremely clear...

Lhen Brutton 0

My doc is also an artist

This morning I got a message on facebook from my dentist. With a big surprise I found that my doc is also an artist.  Some years ago I lost a few of my teeth when...

Golden Oriole 0

Hot and sunny Philippines

Hot and sunny weather in the Philippines – Summer Time! It’s really motivating to get up early. Getting up at 05:00 a.m., swim in the warm sea and watch the orange ball of the...

Silent Gardens Painting 1

Beautiful Silent Gardens – the movie!

A bit than a month ago, we told you that Silent Gardens is getting beautiful – Beautiful Silent Gardens! We also promised that we’ll put the movie of Adonis R. Acebes’ work online. Unfortunately we recently...

Blood Group Zero Negative 0

URGENT: Blood Group 0- (zero negative) needed

A friend of us needs an urgent medical operation. The intervention needs some blood conserves of Blood Group zero negative If you are a Zero RH Negative donor and can go to Cagayan de Oro or...

Weather 2014-04-20 0

New Tropical Depression forming

A new Tropical Depression (LPA 98W) is forming east of Palau. The TD is slowly moving westwards, towards the Philippines. Weather is still sunny in the Philippines. There are some locally produced cumulus clouds...

Via Crucis / Stations of the Cross 0

Camiguin – Panaad 2014 cont.

During the Camiguin – Panaad 2014 thousands of pilgrims climbed up the “Via Crucis”, the stations of the cross, on old volcano – Vulcan Daan. Everything went well and only one road accident happened on...

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